Monday, January 21, 2008


The cops had someone pulled over this morning as I was leaving the driveway. I live in a school zone and dang, we wish these people would slow down. 25 mph folks! Set your cruise control.

The libray was closed. I dropped the books in the after hours box. Am trying to keep track of the number of books I read this year. 20 days it took me to finish my first book of the year, The Reading Group by Elizabeth Noble. It was good, all the fluff and girly stuff I enjoy but it just seemed to take the longest time to read. I've got to speed it up, can't possibly read 300 books by year's end at this rate. The next book I opened, Cocktails for Three by Madeline Wickham, felt familiar, omg, have already read this one. That's what I get for picking books by their covers. I so like a pretty cover and this one had yummy cocktails on the front. So am going to try to read Backstage with Julia: My Years with Julia Child by Nancy Verde Barr. It has a pretty Tiffany blue striped cover.

1 comment:

Carol Anne said...

Hate those speedy drivers in school zones! Let me know the good reads!!! I'm on book two for the year, but it's a LLLLOOONNNGGG one! There should be a handycap rule for long reads!